Tuesday, 5 April 2011

groovy tuneage.

i listen to a lot of music.

i'm glad i'm back in this frame of mind. having studied sound engineering and eventually majoring in band recording, i took a very different approach when i listened to music. there was a stage last year where i just didn't and couldn't listen to music; this "stage" lasting about 6 months or so. i'd think to myself...

"is this snare sounding alright?"

"what about the compression on the vox?"

"those strings sound too digital"

"the bit rate is WAY to low for me"

you know... that sorta thing.
don't get me wrong though, sound engineering is a future career choice, just not whilst i have all this groovy music to listen to.

these are just some of the bands and albums that have been releasing endorphins in my brain lately.

Poison the Well - Versions 

god where do i start? this band is awesome. having been one of the first bands to introduce me to hardcore and heavy music they've stayed with me for a long time. i'd purchased this album years ago but i felt that i've only finally understood it in the past month or so. a particularly "different" album for hardcore in 07. i highly recommend this band and album; everything from the lyrics, vocals and instrumentation is fantastic. this album also has a great sound from an engineers perspective. the kit sounds like a kit, the guitars are nice and roomy and as with the bass they both share awesome tones.
emotive stuff.

Gonjasufi - A Sufi And A Killer

i recently got a hold of this artist and its some interesting stuff. enjoying the elements of psychedelia, digging the vox, the whole sound and tone of the album and the overall strangeness of it all.
he definitely smokes a lot of weed and/or takes a lot of shrooms.

Meshuggah - Chaosphere
progressive metal/math metal

i actually fucking love this band. 
i've been aware of this band for a long time but only really gave them the time of day a couple of months ago. these crazy swedish gentlemen play some heavy stuff, the first track off this album probably being one of the heaviest songs i've ever heard. very mathy, crazy time signatures, jazz elements and a solid solid lineup. these guys are all excellent musicians and are super tight. i definitely think my bass playing has been inspired in some way by this band. also i'm a big fan of the meshuggah snare sound (very genre specific though) and vocalist. how he keeps up with the rest of the band is quite impressive.
i could probably go on... but trust me for now when i say this band is saweeeeeet.
Chaosphere was their 1998 release and is also saweeeeeet.

Star Slinger - Remixes 2010

also a more recent find (thanks karl) i've been enjoying. his other albums are definitely leaning more towards the instrumental hip-hop side whereas this remix album is leaning more towards his electronica side. very cool album, also good for a late night listen. "Alpine - Icypoles" is my favourite track on the album so far.

Ghost Mutt - Sasquatch EP
glitch/dubstep/abstract hip-hop

don't know much about this artist other than the fact that he is a producer/dj from Brighton and has something like 3700 plays on his last.fm account. he also plays with Slugabed so i think this makes him a cool dude. the music is rad too.

Protest The Hero - Scurrilous 
progressive/technical metal

Protest The Hero's new album is awesome. i've never been a big fan of the 80's but his vocals in this album are tops (even if very iron maideny). very tech obviously, so everyone has a chance to have a wank on this album, though a very tasteful wank i might add. i like how the kit sound isn't your typical metal kit sound either, i mean, for starters it sounds like a real drum kit (OMG). the last song on the album is about the Jonas brothers filming a porno. 

i'd go as far as to post links for these albums but i'm going to claim i'm too lazy. 


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