Tuesday, 14 June 2011

partay into youth day.

event page HERE
so supercancer is playing a groovy show tomorrow night at Mercury.

if you're in the area i suggest you pull in and come party.

time: 21:00pm
place: Mercury Live
Entrance: R30

thursday is a public holiday i.e. YOUTH DAY, so lets drink and party to rad tunes. not sure when we're on either, but expect a poor performance from us as usual and probably a fair bit of crying after our show.

(just kidding)

playing a new song tomorrow night as well. we're quite proud of this one and its a personal favourite of mine.

ok baaaaaaai  x

Wednesday, 8 June 2011



it's been a while...

lets just say i had to go do some sole searching (see what i did there? mwhahaha). i have hopefully found my metaphorical feet again and aim to now better my current lifestyle. whether you care or not i'm going to go ahead and apologise for my lack of "online presence", or whatever you call it.

i'm sorry...

moving swiftly along to more pressing matters then.

so i've come across some rad little goodies over the internet these past few days...

jordanbuckleymadethis... oh yes he did.

not only one of the guitarists for Every Time I Die and all round funny guy, he's also an illustrator... obviously. not a fan of all his work but this one in particular i thought was pretty fucking rad. 

good catch... for a dog.
good catch... for a dog. psssssssht.

SebastiAn - Total

the new sebastiAn album just got released. i'm listening to it now in fact. its badass. so far my only crit is that he's taken two songs off his Ross Ross Ross EP (2006) and one off the Motor EP (2008) and given them a slightly new paint job. lucky for him those were probably my three favourite tracks off those releases. the production is awesome and hits all the right notes and ticks all the right boxes for me. the french just seem to have a knack for electronic music much more so than any westerner has; well, i seem to think so. the album cover is also an interesting addition. i think its cool... but i know some silly christians might feel strongly about the obvious subject matter.

sorry christians. i know how you feel about this sort of thing. you're just going to have to deal with it.

heres a track off Total... its called Motor. it's grooooooovy.

last but not least... just because its funny... because it is.


stolen from HERE